Tuesday, July 24, 2007

taking on water...

Justin and I (with help from Shane) pulled the Whaler yesterday morning. Dad had been nervous about the bilge pump not working and the forcast for rain all day and for later this week. With he and Chris in France there was no one around (who doesn't have a job to go to...other than Goldilocks) so it came down to you know who. Rather than fight the crowds at 6-7pm on Sunday we grabbed Walter's truck and pulled it in the rain on Monday morning.
When we got there I was worried we wouldn't have enough water but the ramp is in pretty good shape at the club. Shane had no problem driving it out.
I floated the boat onto the trailer after getting a half-assed tow from the lauch driver. His seamanship was definitly in question (take the stern line off first...what?). Despite him spinning me the wrong way I was able to turn the beast with the small paddle on board and turn it right onto the trailer as the wind set us down toward the ramp.
Given the possible complications it was amazing the whole thing went as well as it did....
Still made it to work by noon....
Now hopefully we will spend some time on the water....once the new engine comes in.

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